About Hummingbirds of Ecuador
WorldWildZoom - Wildlife Photo Guides presents this innovative series of field-guides for the Birds of the Tropical Andes (BTA) is the first for this region in iPad format, and an exciting new way to appreciate and learn about Neotropical birds.
This photographic field-guide boasts a unique collection of over 500 images, with 100 of Ecuador's 134 hummingbird species represented. The world-class images are accompanied by informative texts, vocalizations and range maps compiled by Robert S. Ridgely, one of the worlds leading ornithologists.
This photographic field-guide boasts a unique collection of over 500 images, with 100 of Ecuador's 134 hummingbird species represented. The world-class images are accompanied by informative texts, vocalizations and range maps compiled by Robert S. Ridgely, one of the worlds leading ornithologists.
Species are organized taxonomically, following the magnificent 'Birds of Ecuador' field guide by Robert Ridgely and Paul Greenfield. Symbols Used (M) Male (J)Juvenile (F) Female (MJ) Male Juvenile (S/A) Sexes alike (EAST) Eastern Andes (WEST) Western Andes Texts All descriptions and natural history texts were written by Robert Ridgely. |
Maps are adapted from the most recent version of the Birds of Ecuador, by Robert Ridgely and Paul Greenfield (2006). Updated information was generated by Alejandro Solano and Juan Freile, who have permanently compiled new data on the distribution of Ecuadorian birds over the last decade. Maps show species ranges as an orange shadow, elevational bands in greys and blues, Ecuador's capital city (Quito), as well as an inset to indicate Ecuador's place in South America. Vocalizations Hummingbird vocalizations are all fairly similar, so we have only included them in a few species, to give an idea of their calls. We hope you will head into the forest to hear the birds in the field too! |
List of Hummingbirds in the App:
Band-tailed Pale-tailed Brilliant Black-throated Empress Fawn-breasted Green-crowned Violet-fronted Coquette Spangled Coronet Buff-tailed Chestnut-breasted Velvet-purple Emerald Andean Glittering-throated Western Fairy Purple-crowned Hermit Great-Billed Green Reddish Rufous-breasted Straight-billed Stripe-throated Tawny-bellied White-bearded White-whiskered Hillstar Ecuadorian White-tailed Hummingbird Amazilia Blue-chested Giant Loja |
Purple-chested Rufous-tailed Speckled Spot-throated Sword-billed Tooth-billed Tumbes Violet-bellied Violet-headed Wedge-billed Inca Bronzy Brown Collared Jacobin White-necked Jewelfront Gould's Lancebill Green-fronted Mango Black-throated Metaltail Neblina Tyrian Piedtail Ecuadorian Plumeleteer Ecuadorian Puffleg Black-breasted Emerald-bellied Golden-breasted Hoary Sapphire-vented Racket-tail Booted |
Gray-breasted Lazuline Napo Sapphire Golden-tailed Sapphirewing Great Sicklebill Buff-tailed White-tipped Starfrontlet Buff-winged Rainbow Starthroat Long-billed Sunangel Amethyst-throated Flame-throated Gorgeted Purple-throated Tourmaline Sunbeam Shining Sylph Long-tailed Violet-tailed Thornbill Blue-mantled Purple-backed Rainbow-bearded Rufous-capped Thorntail Black-bellied Green Wire-crested |
Fiery Trainbearer Black-tailed Green-tailed Velvetbreast Mountain Violetear Brown Sparkling Whitetip Purple-bibbed Rufous-vented Woodnymph Emerald-bellied Fork-tailed Green-crowned Woodstar Esmeraldas Gorgeted Purple-collared Purple-throated White-bellied |